Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Lucky Number 7!

It's official. I registered for the Nashville Marathon! This will be my 7th marathon. The cost of entry was $85 (excluding the $7.50 processing fee). It is really important to know that the registration fee will increase to $100 at the first of January, so if you have any interest to run in the race - register now or before December 31st!

I was pleasantly surprised by all the interest to join me for the weekend; whether to run in the race or just party and check out Nashville. I am pretty pumped! Stay tuned, I will be working on my training schedule and posting it soon. My general rule of thumb that has worked for me is to run 5-7 miles - 5 days a week, one long run on the weekend that is not to be skipped and incorporate some weight/strength training. It's that simple! :-)

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